The name of the school where this policy shall apply is Gondolikhethwa Christian School.

2.1. Short title ad commencement date
This policy shall be referred to as Gondolikhethwa Christian School’s Remedial or Learner support policy. the commencement date of this policy shall be 01 September 2005.

2.2. Policy and legal framework
Remedial at Gondolikhethwa is guided by the following:
2.2.1. Gondolikhethwa Christian School’s general policy
2.2.2. The Holy Bible
2.2.3. National Education policy Act 27 of 1996
2.2.4. South African Constitution, Act 108 of 1996

2.3. Scope of application
This policy applies to the following stakeholders:
2.3.1. All Gondolikhethwa Christian School learners who need remedial lessons
2.3.2. To teaching staff
2.3.3. To the parents of learners who need remedial lessons.

2.4. Definitions
The following are the definitions of the terms used in this policy:
2.4.1. Remedial lessons refer to lessons that are given to learners who have got learning difficulties.
2.4.2. Psychologist is a person who studies the human mind and tries to explain why people behave in the way that they do.

2.5. Introduction
The drafting of this policy has been necessitated by the learning problems which students experience. It was also necessitated by the needs of new students who are admitted on yearly. These learners, due to their background and lack of facilities at their previous schools need close assistance from teachers. In order to offer a helping hand to these learners, the school found it necessary to write down guidelines to direct how assistance to learners should be given.

2.6. Objectives of this policy
This policy has been drawn in order to achieve the following objectives:
2.6.1. to identify learners with learning problems
2.6.2. to assist learners with learning problems
2.6.3. to give hope to hopeless learners
2.6.4. to develop a plan of assisting learners with learning problems
2.6.5. to provide a caring learning and teaching environment.

3.1. Identification of learners with learning problems
The following shall be used to identify learners with learning problems:
3.1.1. Poor performance in written work namely; classwork, homework, tests, assignments, etc.
3.1.2. Failure to communicate through the prescribed medium of instruction
3.1.3. Reports from subject teachers
3.1.4. Failure to write legibly
3.1.5. Results of presentation entrance test or interview
3.1.6. Drowsiness and lack of interest in the lesson presentation
3.1.7. Homework that is either incomplete or not done at all.
3.1.8. Tearfulness
3.1.9. Lack of friends
3.1.10. Books habitually lost or left at home.

3.2. Remedial lessons which are subject based
Every educator at our school is regarded as a remedial education teacher and each teacher is expected to assist learners as follows:
3.2.1. To deliver lessons using a moderate tempo in order to cater for slow learners.
3.2.2. to give extra work to learners who have got learning difficulties.
3.2.3. to be patient when working with learners who experience learning difficulties.
3.2.4. to approach lessons from simple to complex.
3.2.5. To pay more attention to learners with learning difficulties.
3.2.6. To request the assistance of parents/guardians in monitoring school’s work.

3.3. Remedial lessons given by identified remedial lessons committee members (school support team).
Identified teachers with the know of how assisting learners with learning problems shall assist learners as follows:

3.3.1. Utilization of material resources
3.3.2. Utilization of the relevant human resources
3.3.3. Taking into account individual child’s needs
3.3.4. Using the appropriate teaching strategy
3.3.5. Creating confidence in the child
3.3.6. Creating close relationship with the child.

3.4. Further assistance with the active involvement of parents
3.4.1. By monitoring and assisting the child when he/she does school activities at home
3.4.2. By giving the child moral and material support.
3.4.3. By encouraging children to do school work on daily basis.
3.4.4. By paying attention to the requests directed to them by the teacher
3.4.5. By visiting the school when they need clarification regarding the child’s performance.

3.5. Referring a learner to psychologist
A learner will be referred to a psychologist if
3.5.1. a learner fails to improve after remedial lessons
3.5.2. the remedial committee has written a recommendation
3.5.3. parents agree that the child should be referred to a psychologist
3.5.4. the advice .f the psychologist is needed.

3.6. Assistance of a learner based on psychologist’s report
3.6.1. After the psychologist has issued a report the child will be assisted as per recommendations
3.6.2. If the recommendations suggest that the child needs to attend a special school, parents will be called in order to explain the recommendations and how to implement it.

3.7. Transferring a learner to a special school
A learner shall be transferred to a special school under the following conditions:
3.7.1. if the psychologist who has examined the child recommends that he/she is not fit to attend mainstream classes.
3.7.2. parents agree that the child be transferred
3.7.3. parents sign the prescribed transfer form